Friday, March 4, 2011

Skittles and the DMV

Have you ever signed up for a promotion or given your email address to a website in exchange for a deal? No? Bullshit. You know you have. I typically refrain from doing that*, because to me,...if you wouldn't pay full price for it, then you probably don't want it that bad anyway and therefore don't need to buy it. Plus, then if you do sign up, you get a million junk emails...

But I digress because this post isn't about's about how two years ago, I went on a website to look for a running outfit and instead ended up posting a life goal on one of their sub-sites... (shut up...I don't know what I was thinking.)

I swear to you I would typically never do this because the idea of setting a goal on a website (other than my very own blog) sounds like something I'd make fun of one of my friends for doing... But I did it.  I think I got a coupon for a free something... the point is, that this morning, while I was parking my car at work, I got an email from the site...reminding me that I needed to change my the date for my goal has now officially passed. I had forgotten I had even done this. Anyway...

I're thinking... let me guess... you quit smoking...hurray! No asshole...actually goal was "to get promoted to Art Director" and the deadline I gave myself was April 28. And looking back I remember I was GOING to put "quit smoking" but then I laughed and put that instead.

Funny that I get that email now as my current job comes to a near close, ... but even stranger that I got promoted to Art Director last year...and the year on my goal was 2010.... AND I quit smoking.

Not to get all Jack Handy on you but... sometimes I think life is a cruel joke and there's some dude in the sky eating skittles and laughing his ass off at us.... but then other times...I think the guy likes to be nice and share his skittles... and in this moment... I think he shared his skittles with me.*

Just so you know, I am well aware I sound insane but for your info, I actually woke up in a really good mood this morning... let's hope it lasts cause I have to go to a Government building today... and you know how fun that can be...

(Of course if it's on sale and you've been coveting it...then it turns into a sign from God that were meant to have it). ...

** Please cut me some slack. It's Friday and I have to go to the DMV...I mean the Social Security office... (same shit really...pick a number...wait forever, with person who hates their know...) and I'm coming off one of the longest weeks I've ever had... oh and did I mention I quit smoking and it is month 2, day 4?

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